Mary Pots has been a driving force in promoting the rich tradition of Pakistani handmade artisan ceramics domestically and globally.

Mary Pots has played a pivotal role in promoting the rich heritage of Pakistani crafts locally and internationally. Mary Pots is more than just a startup. It’s a movement to preserve our cultural heritage and empower our local community. Based in Haripur, Pakistan, we specialize in crafting handmade, food-grade artisan ceramics that are inspired by our region’s natural surroundings and historical patterns. Our founder, Maryam, has dedicated herself to supporting local artisans and preserving their traditional crafts, especially handmade pottery. Her vision for the company is to create job opportunities and contribute to our region’s economic development.

Mary Pot’s unique ceramics are beautiful, durable, and food-safe. They are made from high-quality materials and designed to last. The company uses traditional methods and styles to create contemporary ceramics that retain a traditional feel. Customers who purchase Mary Pot’s ceramics support a local business and help preserve traditional crafts.

At Mary Pots, we believe in making your shopping experience as convenient as possible. That’s why our website,, offers a fully functional e-commerce platform for you to explore and purchase our products from the comfort of your home. But we also understand the value of physical stores, which is why we have a presence there too. Our mission is to not just create unique ceramics, but to empower local artisans with advanced skills and techniques, infusing a touch of modernity into our traditional crafts.

Her Ceramics

Mary The Founder

Baked with Love

“You can’t rush it. Things will crack and break and fall off. This is the opposite of an instant gratification activity”. Amanda Moffat